Exploring the Heavens

Exploring the Heavens

Join naturalist James Marlow at Horizons for an entertaining morning of bird watching & bird lore at the bird feeding station. A hearty breakfast will be served as James identifies birds coming to the feeders and relates bird feeding information, stories, and...
Project WILD

Project WILD

In collaboration with Field Edventures, Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, EEK, and Project WILD This workshop is for educators, conservationists, and leaders passionate about wildlife protection. Engage in hands-on activities, discussions, and multimedia on...
Building Bluebird Boxes

Building Bluebird Boxes

In collaboration with the Bluebird Restoration Associations of Wisconsin A Hands-on bluebird box building workshop at our nature center, where you’ll learn about the importance of bluebirds and other cavity-nesting birds in local ecosystems. As part of our...
Breakfast with the Birds

Breakfast with the Birds

Join naturalist James Marlow at Horizons for an entertaining morning of bird watching & bird lore at the bird feeding station. A hearty breakfast will be served as James identifies birds coming to the feeders and relates bird feeding information, stories, and...
Lawyers In My Head

Lawyers In My Head

Pam Shellberg remembers struggling with her spirituality when she first came to work at Horizons. “I felt like an imposter,” she said. “I was deeply troubled about what I believed and didn’t believe. I grew up in the church, but had just graduated college and was a...