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Place of Peace

Donor Stories

Carrie Bernhardt’s history of supporting Bethel Horizons is deeply rooted in family. Her father was among the first group of businessmen asked to contribute to the original purchase of the Halverson and Anderson farms that became Bethel Horizons. “My dad was so tickled to be asked. He owned a bakery that only made maybe $4000 a year, but he was approached by Pastor Borgwardt to be a part of this group of men to help start this camp. I think he gave $100, which was a lot of money at the time, and was so proud to be a part of it,” Carrie remembers fondly.

After Carrie and her late husband Norv moved back to Madison and had a family of their own, they started bringing their kids out to camp on the property with other families from the church. “Horizons has always been a special place for our family to enjoy nature. We loved to camp when the kids were younger. Back then, we thought, why would we ever need to buy a cabin up north when we can just go camping and hike at Horizons?”

When asked why she continues to be such a generous supporter, Carrie shared: “It’s because of what Horizons does for the kids and the counselors. Camp introduces kids to love that they might not know. As a guidance counselor, I personally sent kids to camp that I knew needed to be surrounded by love and nature. We personally would never be able to reach as many people as our gifts to Horizons can. We want to share the joy and love that is found in being out there surrounded by nature and community. Horizons is a place of peace for us all.”

We are so blessed to have such a rich history with the Bernhardt family. Carrie and Norv’s children and grandchildren have all been a part of Horizons. They have been campers, served on the staff, participated in service projects, and continue to support Horizons to this day. We are excited that her grandson Jackson will be joining the summer staff of 2024 as a counselor.